Workplace Stress Check

Workplace Stress Check
Japanese English
Mentally and Phisically

What is a Stress Check?

What is a Stress Check?

Based on The Japanese government's new occupational health policy launched in 2015, it is mandatory for all workplaces
with 50 or more employees to conduct annual Stress Check
Occupational Stress Check Center Inc. in cooperation with
AKIA TAX CONSULTANTS provides total service in English,
from the conduct of a Stress Check to the advice for the
improvement of workplace environment and physician's

Our Strengths

  • Conduct of a Stress Check
Our Stress Check survey is operated by Mr. Soichiro Morichika,
Certified Social Insurance Labor Consultant and Director of Morichika
Labor Legal Affairs office, in cooperation with Dr. Hirofumi Sakurazawa, Labor Health Consultant and Advising Doctor of Japan Society for
Occupational Health.
We provide complete service in English to help raise awareness of
foreign employees on stress-related mental health issues,
enhance their well-beings and thereby improve organizational
